01) The Skeleton: the bare bones of the situation
02) The Mummy: what cover the bare bones
03) Your Costume: your mask, who you are in this situation
04) The Ghost: something from your past that is unresolved and impacts the situation
05) The Devil: something that is bedeviling to you
06) The Vampire: something that feeds you or feeds on you
07) The Jack O'Lantern: something that lights your way
08) The Black Cat: something that will cross your path whether good or not,your luck
09) The Witch: How you can use your own magick
10) The Bat: the broader view or something you can't see
11) Frankenstein: what you are creating
12) The Werewolf: how the situation will change you
13) Your Candy Bag: the mix of goodies and duds you will take home when all's said and done