Thursday, July 10, 2014

Orisha: Osoosi

Osoosi is a master Astral Traveler. Invoke this powerful Orisha in matters of leveling justice and scouting out the most advantageous path for yourself. Osoosi is a tracker and master hunter. Many invoke him in order to discover the underlying root cause of a situation or to affect those who are serving as obstacles in your pathway. Osoosi specializes in magic done undercover and out of the sight of those needing to be dealt with. Osoosi , sometimes spelled Ochosi, is the great hunter and tracker, brother to Ogun and Sango. This seat of consciousness is often overlooked and it's one of the reasons our life goes wayward even though we're putting forth an enormous amount of energy to what we consider to be the solution.

Osoosi is the brother of Ogun and Shango. Just like the brother he is also a hunter, extremely well versed in herbs. In some systems he is also an archetype of agriculture. Osoosi is very similar to Ogun in terms of character but also in terms of offerings that would be made to him. Typically those that have received Ogun also receive Osoosi. Dealing with Osoosi, one is dealing with the energy of the archer. Another key connotation with Osoosi is that Osoosi’s home is the jail. He is the patron Orisha of bondage. Thus when one finds themselves in situations of incarcerations, the first Orisha one should go to is Osoosi.

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