Friday, September 5, 2014


Also known as: Dandelion Leaf, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Priest's Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive, Piss-a-Bed

Blowball is used for love and wishes. Carry in a red bag to grant wishes. Blow to the four directions when searching for love.

Carry in a red bag to grant wishes.

Blow to the four directions when searching for love.

The seedheads of dandelions, blown at the wind, can carry messages to absent loved ones, or bring the winds.

Dandelions are sacred to Sunna, and can be used as offerings to her. The root, ground and made into a tea, is said to draw spirits with its steam. Drinking it can aid in taking the spirits into you. Supposedly they will stay until you piss, which considering the effect of Dandelion, won't be long.

The flowers are made into wine, the buds are pickled, the leaves are eaten in salads, and the roots yield a magenta dye.

A powerful diuretic, Dandelion leaves are good for UTIs and water retention, as they don't deplete natural potassium levels like chemical diuretics. The root is a blood purifier.

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