Friday, August 8, 2014


Anthophyllite is used for Releasing, Cleansing

Also known as Writer's Stone

Anthophyllite is a stone of releasing. It allows one to release things that are held onto that are causing problems or pain. It facilitates this release by cleansing, and is also very cleansing for the aura and environment.

Anthophyllite is also excellent for writer’s block and creative writing. Keeping a piece of anthophyllite within your aura's area, in jewelry or a pocket can help release the flow of words in a gentle and powerful manner.

In folklore and crystal healing, Anthophyllite is used for the colon, lower digestive tract, and absorbing nutrients properly. Additionally, Anthophyllite contains asbestos, and should not be used for direct gem elixirs.

Check out The Pagan Corner with Cu & Sin

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