Friday, April 11, 2014

Imbolc Herbs Part II

Herbs can play an important role in any Sabbat celebration. At
Imbolc, which is still in the middle of winter, the herbs play a
practical as well as a spiritual role since they can be used to
fortify the physical strength of the individuals that ingest them,
therefore making it more likely that you will survive the rest of
winter in good health.

Some of the herbs (By no means an all-inclusive list) that are
particularly available and/or useful during this season are:

* Ash (leaf or wood) - Imbolc's symbolic tree is the ash tree and it
is called the herb of the sun. Medicinally, reputed to clear
obstructions from the spleen and liver.
* Celadine - Magically, reputed to bring joy and cure depression.
Medicinally, used to help jaundice and eczema. The fresh juice is
used to cure warts, ringworm and corns. The roots are good for
* Chamomile - Magically, it is used for purification and protection
as well as Initiative and energy in adversity. Medicinally, it is
antibacterial and used for upset stomachs and fevers
* Coriander - Magically, for healing, especially headaches, love and
health. Medicinally, it strengthens the urinary system and eases gas
& indigestion
* Dragon's Blood - Magically, drives away evil and negativity while
building love and potency. Medicinally, it promotes healing and stops
bleeding (used externally).
* Garlic - Magically, good for protection and courage. Guards
against foul weather. Medicinally, Prevents and cures intestinal
worms. Very antiseptic, it is good for sore throats, bronchitis and
* Heather - Magically, Brings good luck and promotes peace in the
home. Medicinally, strengthens the heart, suppresses coughing and
aids sleeplessness.
* Lemon - Magically, used for longevity, purification, love and
blessings. Medicinally, it raises the vitamin C levels in the body,
thus fighting rickets and scurvy.
* Myrrh - Magically good for purification and blessings, exorcism,
healing, and spirituality. Medicinally, Promotes circulation and
increases heart rate and power.
* Rose Hips - Magically, it is good for love, attraction, healing,
sleep, peace of mind and spiritual peace. Medicinally, it provides
one of the best natural sources of vitamin C available. They are used
to combat acute disease and to build up the body and strengthen the
immune system.
* Sage - Magically, it boosts self-esteem and is good for
protection, and exorcism. Medicinally, ensures long life, eases sore
throat, dries up breast milk and is useful as a poultice for sores
and stings
* Sunflower - Magically, used for fertility, wishes, wisdom and
health, Medicinally, fevers, vomiting, lung and throat problems, coughs and colds.
* Vervain - Magically, good for purification and peace. Medicinally,
used to treat the liver and diseases related to the liver,
exhaustion, fatigue, fever, insomnia, asthma, post-natal depression,
as well as painful or irregular menses. It will also help increase
the flow of a mother's milk (after birth of the child).
* Violets - Magically, used for protection, luck, and love.
Medicinally, they are effective in healing internal ulcers. It is
used both internally and externally for pimples, abscesses, tumors,
and swollen glands.
* Witch hazel - Magically, used for protection. Medicinally, used
externally for insect bites, burns, bleeding wounds, hemorrhoids, and
varicose veins. Internally it will stop bleeding from internal
organs, treats bronchitis, flu, and coughs as well as promotes
healing of stomach ulcers.

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